Eucalyptus + Mint

The scene

Hot rocks sizzle in the corner of a wood-paneled sauna. The air is thick with moisture as you breathe in deeply, enjoying the gentle scent of eucalyptus wafting about the room. You lie on your back and stretch out, luxuriating in the heat and steam that envelopes your lungs. The cedar against your back is warm and pleasant, encouraging you to relax even further. Notes of peppermint tingle in your nose, reawakening dull senses. As you flip onto your side and surrender to the heat and humidity, beads of sweat pool on the surface of your skin. Feelings of tension and negativity are pulled away from the body as the humid fog brings you back to life.

The details

Invigorating, clearing and deeply refreshing, Eucalyptus + Mint is a reliable favourite. Tried-and-true oils of eucalyptus and peppermint help free your airways and eliminate brain fog. A superb blend for steamy morning showers, or clearing the air in a stuffy room, this scent is powerful enough to re-awaken dulled senses. Just don’t get it in your eyes!

Pairs well with

Hungover Sunday mornings. Bathroom steam. Stuffy rooms. Warm towels.


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